What a fantastic morning we all had yesterday at our first CRC coffee morning!
It was lovely to see so many old and new faces visiting us at our Community Hub
We it enjoyed it so much that we’re thinking of making it a regular thing…who’s in?!
We have had alot of interest for courses especially Paediatric First Aid which has always been a very big success here at SinglePoint, along with our brand new "Mums" project to support mums to get back into employment after taking career breaks with their little ones.
We also had a visit from our local Cllr Rizwan Jalil…many thanks to you and your lovely wife for giving up your time to come and join us…we look forward to seeing you again soon
If you’re interested in any of the above courses, you know the drill, give us a bell at the hub on 0121 544 1393 to sign up
it’s as easy as that